Feversham Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 9LP
01458 833666


For current guidance, please go to www.gov.uk/coronavirus


Changes to Practice due to Coronavirus

During the current crisis, our clinicians will use telephone and video consultations to assess each individual.  Please do not turn up to the practice unless you have been specifically asked to do so.

Use this link to update your mobile telephone number.

There will be no face-to-face consultations unless a clinician has deemed it necessary.  If we do ask you to attend, please:

  • Alert staff of your arrival by ringing the doorbell
  • Allow us to check your temperature
  • Wear a face covering
  • Use hand sanitiser when entering the building

Your safety is of upmost importance to us as we all navigate these difficult times together.


Further resources on Coronavirus


How is Patient Data used during the COVID-19 Crisis?

In line with National Guidance, we have supplemented our usual data security measures with the NHS Digital Summary Care Record COVID-19 supplementary privacy notice and latest government guidelines

Date published: 23rd June, 2020
Date last updated: 15th January, 2021