Feversham Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 9LP
01458 833666

Resources for patients


Recommended websites

www.womens-health-concern.org The patient arm of the British Menopause Society, includes lots of useful factsheets. I use the one on breast cancer risk factors and the chart on understanding the lifestyle risk factors for breast cancer during consultations.

menopausematters.co.uk   Founded by Dr Heather Currie, a past chair of the British Menopause Society. Provides evidence based information, access to a forum and a regular magazine for subscribers.

rockmymenopause.com  The patient arm of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum, provides patient information leaflets.

daisynetwork.org  A charity for women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) ie menopause under the age of 40.

pms.org.uk A charity for women suffering from premenstrual syndromes.

theros.org.uk Information about the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (weak bones that fracture easily).

eveappeal.org.uk A charity with a free gynaecological cancer information service.

Recommended Apps

Balance app A free app where you can track your symptoms, access personalised expert content and download a health report for your GP (download from the App Store or Google Play).

Squeezy app An NHS app supporting women with their pelvic floor muscle exercise programmes.

Recommended books

‘The Complete Guide to the Menopause‘ by Dr Annice Mukherjee – written by an endocrinologist with many years experience of helping women with hormonal problems. It is full of evidence-based lifestyle advice and is a great resource for everyone, including those patients who can’t take HRT. Dr Mukherjee went through her own menopause at 41 after her breast cancer diagnosis.

The Complete Guide to POI and Early Menopause by Dr Hannah Short and Dr Mandy Leonhardt.

‘Living Well through the Menopause’ by Myra Hunter and Melanie Smith. An evidence-based self-help guide using a cognitive behavioural therapy approach.

‘The Pelvic Floor Bible’ by Jane Simpson Continence Specialist – advice on how to prevent and cure continence problems at every stage of life.

There are now many other books about managing the menopause, I have just mentioned a few of them.



Date published: 22nd March, 2022
Date last updated: 16th April, 2023